Archive for the 'dykning' Category
Koh Phi Phi
Spent 2 nights in a great hotel: Samkong Place, Phuket Town waiting for Jane & sons. Rented a scooter and took a trip to visit “old friends” in Chalong. Kob´s restaurant & A.P. bar. Nice to see U guys:) Went snorkeling, a quiet beach on the very south of Phuket…….Tomba/Raya Yai Divers introduced it to me some 2 years ago. Lovely as ever!
Koh Phi Phi 2010, I must say has changed some. My last visit was 2 years ago. The building of concrete bungalows after the tsunami is understandable. The new fancy glass foyers to some of the resorts is not… me anyhow:)
Spent a week with Thi Lak, Jane, Rasmus and Mads. Diving, diving, diving……eating, massage, manicure, longtail boat with Lek snorkeling and catching dinner, don´t tell Sole:D. Jane (dear friend) who never had hair under water before, transformed to a snorkeling frency. Great fun……we saw a lot to her b-t:D
As always dived with Island Divers, we were well taken care of as being able to dive with the same instructor, Stav for every dive (eases everything for me, as I don´t have to tell the same story over and over about what kind of help I need, to get the most out of my dives) and besides I liked him a lot;)
We dived Local 3 days (favourite spot must be Bida Nok, it´s like swimming in a huge aquarium. There´s a lot of different coloured Featherstars, plenty of Fancorals, got to see a yellow Seahorse, Juvenile Harlequin Sweetlip, Leopard Shark, Juvenile Yellow Boxfish, Moray Eals….) and 1 day at King Cruiser Wreck/Shark Point/Pilia North. Our timing was a bit off, as we were there around full moon which means current! At King Cruiser it didn´t work out so we resurfaced. Got back in with Stav alone and had a lovely relaxed dive, as had he…..He had been working hard: my issues in the surface, Yo´s inexperience and so fort. Besides which I myself had a bit of a challenge taking care of Yo. At the end all that was sorted, I´m proud to say he was doing excellent and was very much enjoying himself as he got better on the swimming and the buoyancy.
Our last day we rented Lek (Sole´s friend) and “his” boat. He is the most fantastic guide for divers and snorkelers on Phi Phi. He knows where the sharks, the turtles a s f comes around. He loves to get wet himself, and if you can keep up with him, you´re in for a treat. I was beat after all the diving and prior to that, our KL trip so I stayed with Yo and Jane for some relaxed swimming, got to see 1 black tip shark and 1 turtle before giving in though. Rasmus and Mads got the lot: about 10 sharks…
Lek picked up our dinner: multiple fishes (no sharks:)))))))…….it was prepared in a restaurant, and he joined us with his wife……it was so very nice:D. A perfect ending on our holiday. Jane & sons took off for Koh Lanta. Yo and I headed for Phuket and a night bus to Cha-Am.
I´ve got no UW pics this time:( As Jane was very good with the camera I´m glad to say I for once got a lot of pics from Koh Phi Phi. Upload coming up soon!
That´s all folks. Big Hugs.
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Lone er blevet bedste til en smuk dreng som hedder Marco! Hip Hip Hurrah!
Laver en side med billeder fra ferie paa Koh Chang, der er ikke saa mange, overlod fotograferingen til Sole og Sanne. Laver ogsaa en side med UWbilleder for dem der har interesse heri. Alt er vel men tiden loeber for hurtigt!!!
2 commentsWhaleshark/Valhaj!!!!!!!!!!
Har besoeg af Sole og Sanne:)))))))))
Vi er paa Koh Chang og dykker og dykker og dykker, juhuu.
Og saa har vi svoemmet med en valhaj altsaa………..
Fik 2 “kys” af denne kaempe:)
No commentsDiveChallengeTour08
I week-enden 1-3/8-08 blev der afholdt DiveChallengeTour i København. Det var et samarbejde mellem IAHD, International Association for Handicapped Divers og OWUSS, Our World Underwater Scholarship Society. Formålet var at promovere handicapdykning i Danmark. 2DIVE havde inviteret og sponsoreret nuværende og tidligere legatmodtagere fra OWUSS, til at deltage i et kursus for handicapdykkerinstruktører. Nordea sponsorerede brug af svømmehal hos PTU, Landsforeningen af Polio-, Trafik og Ulykkesskadede. Daniel fra IAHD, Sole og Flemming fra 2DIVE stod for undervisningen. Tre, med forskellige begrænsninger i bevægeapparatet, havde meldt sig til prøvedyk. Alle havde en dejlig dag og lærte en masse. Jeg håber at flere handicappede vil finde vej til dykkersporten og dermed opleve glæden og friheden ved at bevæge sig i vand.
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